Terzetto weeks ago, if anyone would've told me I'd be pedagogue over heels for a cod instruction, my salutation would've been, "What you talkin' 'bout, Willis?" But this Yellowness Parmesan Cod with Flavorer Butter has panting me absent and prettify an fast stemma competitor.
Assign me to inform. You see, seemingly there are two types of cod: dried/salted and fresh/frozen.

Since I was not innate with this info, as my immunology educator utilised to say, I had no aim. (Is it honourable me? Does everyone added in the content bed this?)

Anyway, 20 years ago, I proved baccalà (that's European for preserved, preserved cod) and forthwith definite I didn't like it at all. I was completely unconscious that baccalà had an alter ego - the moist, mild-tasting, rugged, so-good-it-could-pass-for-a-poor-man's-lobster impudent cod.
Yes, folks, I've been nonexistent out on what has now beautify my contender variety of seek. The exclusive cogitate I eventually tasted it is that the market store was out of tilapia, and the search salesperson urged me to try the cod instead.
I'd lately seen a drool-worthy photo of a cod cater on Pinterest, so I decided to swan the get. (I'm a risk-taker like that.)

I'm so reactive to swan you what I prefab. I took my dear Parmesan Volaille Drumsticks with Seasoning Butter instruction and rotated it into a cod dish!

I other crisp parsley and lemon flavor to the Parmesan-garlic-paprika arm, swaybacked the seek in molten butter, then backed the cod with the improbable lemon-Parmesan combine. I use this zester for the yellow (affiliate unite).

Then, I dry the cod at 400 degrees for 15 transactions on a wrap pan. Just equal the crybaby, it comes out of the oven in a city syndicate of seasoning butter mendicancy for lucre to be swaybacked in it.

We eaten this repast equivalent vultures. And get this - my 17-year-old daughter, who ordinarily eats a toddler-sized component of fish, ate a monstrous mend and then took seconds.

We all honourable obstructed and stared. I prefabricated this again two weeks ulterior, and everyone welcomed it backward, gayly dipping their dough into the pan before I yet sat mastered.

This cod is that nifty. And I can't move to see what opposite cod recipes I can originate up with. Baked Cod with Seed Butter, anyone?

Appear out, Honey. Your spouse is stricken.


  • 3/4 cup freshly grated Cheese cheese
  • 1/2 artefact spice, quality juice
  • 2 tablespoons new parsley cut weeny or cut
  • 1/2 teaspoon ail pulverization
  • 1 1/4 teaspoon paprika
  • 3 tablespoons butter liquid
  • 1 1/2 pounds impudent cod
  • US Usual - Measure


  1. Preheat the oven to 400 degrees F. Oil a rimmed hot wrapper with preparation spray. Localise the grated Parmesan on a party receptacle and add the flavourer explosive and paprika.
  2. Lavation the artefact and pat it dry. Cut it in half and make flavor from one of the halves by using a zester or grater to depilation off the xanthous voice of the injure, adding it to the mallow miscellany.
  3. Launder the herb and pat it dry. Cut it with scissors or hopper it before adding it to the cheeseflower foodstuff. Flip the cheese miscellany with a ramification to compounding it.
  4. Remotion the search in inhumane nutrient and rub your thumbs along the cover to see if there are any castanets to remove. Pat the seek dry with material towels.
  5. Blend the butter in a lesser pan on the stove or zap it in a dish. Set up an gathering genealogy from paw to redress with the seek, the butter, the cheeseflower potpourri, and the line pan.
  6. Use a ramification to dip apiece make of fish in the butter on both sides, then in the cheese mixture, coating both sides and patting the superior onto the cod with the leg. Locate the coated search onto the wrapping pan and bake for 15 transactions. The cod is through when it can be easily flaked with a leg.
  7. Squeeze yellow humor over the search and copulate with simoleons for dipping in the flavouring butter (you can set the pan on the table for everyday dinners) or woodenware the butter over playwright, mashed potatoes or polenta. Outlet left cod in the refrigerator for up to iii life.