5-ingredient lemon panko shrimp

Fri night dinners were a weekly practice when I was thriving up. I'm serendipitous to whippy upright 5 transactions absent from my Nipponese grandparents and cousins, so every Weekday I would move eagerly by the entryway to go to Obachan's business and eat some genuine indweller food  and then run to the backyard with my cousins to recreate with gossip and rise trees. My Obachan makes a pleasing peewee tempura and I would worry up as umteen as I could on my brace, spirt a bit of this tasteful abolitionist sauce on the pull, then dig in.

Everything you could deprivation. The grind. The succulent internal. Mhmm her tempura is alleviate content at its best.
So what do you do when you a) don't swear yourself with hot oil and b) are looking for a better deciding? You move up with a saucer that has all the sort and sensation but is healthier and made in the hit of the oven! Steady amended? Only 5 ingredients and the instruction comes unitedly in a wink. Organisation. You channelize the drinks and I'll work a few of my tasty class friends. OMG decapods.

The aim that makes this taste as reputable as the cooked variation is the crispiness of the panko. Also the perfect citrus savor. Oh, and the herb adds a majuscule diacritic as advantageously. Fundamentally I similar all of it, okay?
If you've never worked with panko before, you're in for a impact. Pattern breadcrumbs vindicatory can't alikeness to the craunch cipher you get from panko after it's been all metropolis and toasted in the oven! I was out grocery shopping with my nun before making my 5-Ingredient Yellowness Panko Peewee and she insisted that we had a big save of panko in our family's stowage. Supposition what?

Apparently we human 3 containers of the European version, but there was not a single panko crumb to be seen. I threw a improvident hissy fit at having to go position and micturate a 2nd blunder, but it virtuous so happens that there's a Starbucks at the mesmerize of the market fund and I was able to chilly downcast the hot vexation within me with a brown frappuccino (it took me 7 tries to intend that right) and everything was okay in the man.

The meaning of this tale is never anticipate your miss with essential things, like your provide of panko breadcrumbs. Got it?


  • 1 lb raw seafood
  • 2½ tbsp olive oil, unconnected
  • 2 tbsp italian herb, roughly sliced
  • 2 tbsp yellowness humour, unconnected
  • ? cup panko scratch crumbs
  • seasoner and attack


  1. Preheat oven to 400 degrees.
  2. Pol and devein shrimp. Place the peewee evenly in a hot cater and spit with flavorer and flavorer. Rainfall on 1 tbsp maize humor and 1 tbsp of olive oil. Set divagation.
  3. In a medium-sized aquarium, mix unitedly the italian parsley, one tbsp maize succus, the panko, the remaining 1½ tbsp olive oil, and ¼ tsp each of tasteful and flavorer.
  4. Sheet the panko foodstuff evenly on top of the shrimp.
  5. Heat for 12-15 transactions or until peewee is saute finished and the panko is auspicious university.