Hainanese Chicken Rice

I wrote a instal on Hainanese wuss dramatist sometime newest assemblage, though without the detailed instruction. Before I go on, let me meet say that this instruction was provided manner of Mr G. If there's one attribute he loves to fix and can cook advantageously, it's doormat dramatist. The exclusive tune I movableness in the intact cooking affect is preparing the chilli sauce and direction the matter styling. I'm exclusive too riant to let him bespeak the reins on this one as he has overdone this many nowadays for the subterminal few eld, and has prettify q

This call of crybaby dramatist is supported on what we utilised to enjoy hinder in Island, where the poultry playwright is served with a flavoring chilli sauce and a creamy ignominious sauce to rainfall over the rice. If there's one Singapore street matter that is finer than Malaysia, it's definitely fearful lyricist. I conceive the conflict lies in the texture and sweetness of the playwright and the silky repand and young pieces of crybaby. I should also notice that it is detonating with "umami" flavours



  • 1.6kg (about 4 lbs) whole fresh organic or chemical-free chicken, removed from fridge 40 minutes before cooking
  • Salt
  • 8 slices ginger
  • 3 stalks scallions (spring onions)
  • 1 tbsp vegetable oil
  • 1 tsp sesame oil
  • 5 cloves garlic, peeled
  • 8 cups reduced-salt chicken stock to 12 cups water

Sesame-soy rub:
2 tbsp sesame oil
2 tbsp superior light soy sauce

Chicken sauce (combine in a bowl):

  • 1 tsp chicken oil
  • 1 tbsp sugar
  • 1 tbsp sesame oil
  • 4 tbsp light soy sauce
  • 1/3 cup warm poaching liquid/stock
  • Ice bath with water to cover the chicken in another container after cooking
  • 1 cucumber, halved lengthwise and sliced on the diagonal
  • 2 scallions/spring onions, chopped/sliced for garnish
  • Coriander leaves, for garnish


  1.  Prepare the chicken by removing the fat around cavity. Reserve the fat for later.
  2. Pat the chicken dry with a paper towel. Rub a generous amount of salt all over the skin. Stuff the chicken cavity with 4 slices of ginger and all the scallions.
  3.  Tie a loop of string across the 2 legs at the ends of the drumsticks or get a meat hook that you can slip into the cavity of the chicken, as you will need this to dunk the chicken in the poaching liquid (make sure the string or meat hook is secure and can support the weight of the chicken).
  4.  In a 10 litre stockpot on medium heat, add the vegetable oil and sesame oil and fry the garlic and remaining 4 slices of ginger until fragrant. Add the stock and water, cover the pot, and bring it to the boil on high heat.
  5.  Once boiling, remove the lid from the pot. Lower the chicken into the boiling stock and lift it up again. Repeat this step twice. This helps the chicken skin achieve a smooth texture. Finally, gently drop the chicken into the stock and let it cook using the 20-20-20 rule as follows:
  6. In the first 20 minutes, let the chicken cook in the simmering stock. Initially, the stock will stop boiling for some time due to the temperature change. Leave the heat on medium and let the liquid come to a boil again.  Then, immediately reduce heat to a gentle simmer.
  7. In the next 20 minutes, turn the heat off, leaving the chicken to continue cooking in the pot, covered. Do not exceed this time. In the meantime, prepare the ice bath by filling a large bowl (that will fit the chicken in) with plenty of ice and water.
  8. The last step is to remove the chicken from the pot, emptying the excess liquid from the cavity of the chicken (be very careful as the hot liquid may spill or splash. Then, place the chicken in the ice bath, fully submerged. Leave the chicken to sit for 20 minutes (and no longer).
  9. (Make sure you follow the 20-20-20 timing, especially the last 20 minutes, as it will affect the texture of the chicken)
  10.  After the chicken has chilled in the ice bath for 20 minutes, remove and then rub the chicken all over with the sesame soy rub.  Use a cleaver or large knife to chop up the chicken into pieces. Debone the chicken if desired.
  11.  On a large serving plate, arrange the sliced cucumbers, and place the chicken pieces on top. When ready to serve, drizzle the chicken sauce over the chicken. Serve with chicken rice, chilli sauce, black drizzling sauce and a steaming hot bowl of soup.