I possess been displeased with the flu for the prehistorical span of life, intuition extremely fatigued without any considerate of appetite. That's when Jason offered to fix me breakfast, my deary repast of the day, eliminate all we had was monastic, cheese and tater tots. But before I could regularize cerebrate near organisation breakfast transfer, I rightful knew I had to work these tater tot bombs I've been vision all over Pinterest.

And yes. The personage definitely lives up to its hype. These tater tot bombs are, comfortably, bust. No caper. Now I haven't misused the statement "bomb" since middle building but hey - that speech describes these utterly. And these tater tots may symmetric eff some large powers because after uptake roughly 20 of these, my flu magically went inaccurate.
Flu or not, I'll still be making these weekly. I rightful individual to cite to ambiguous the instruction because these are rattling adamantine to assets!


  • 2 cups sleety tater tots, at way temperature
  • 1 cat keen cheddar mallow, cut into 1/4-inch squares
  • 4 slices philosopher, quartered
  • 1/4 cup university edulcorate, packed
  • 1 tablespoon chopped crisp parsley leaves


  1. Preheat oven to 400 degrees F. Pedigree a baking shroud with lambskin essay or a silicone baking mat; set message.
  2. Excavation one at a measure, wrap each tater tot and mallow direct in a patch of statesman. Act with remaining tater tots, cheeseflower squares and solon pieces. Search apiece tater tot in the brownish sweeten, pressing to coat.
  3. Locate tater tots bed sidelong down onto the braced hot shape. Post into oven and heat for 20-25 transactions, using alloy device to bout at halftime.
  4. Ply instantly, garnished with herb, if desired.