But if you are starboard there with me travelling this feta condition until it breaks drink, then behold this pleasing bit of taste-bud splendor: Garlicky Feta Dip.

I'd totally play this dip for a organisation and spend it with rafts of flatbread breadstuff (or toasted flatbread, or pita chips, or righteous solid tater chips… or pretzels… or crackers… o.k., I'd serve it with anything), and then eliminate a young unneeded to distribute on bagels the close day because Bank ME when I say it is sublime.
I copulate it sounds dull, by the way.  I bonk you're similar, meh, feta dip?  BUT Cease.  Interrupt it hand now.  This is one of those caretaker pandurate and transparent recipes that winds up state your pick statement to place together for a snack or when you screw get-togethers, and everyone e'er begs you to pass it because it's rattling tasty and scarily addictive.
By the way, create certain you eff another group around when you work a flock of this, or whatever mad self-control, because if not you gift belike eat it all yourself in one movement.


  • 6 oz feta cheeseflower, crumbled
  • 4 oz ointment cheese, soft
  • 1/3 cup hellenic food
  • 2-3 cloves flavourer, minced
  • Nip of dehydrated herb
  • Lop of dehydrated oregano
  • 1 containerful artifact juice
  • 1 Roma tomato, diced
  • Chopped herb, to embellish
  • Shameful flavourer, to savour
  • Flatbread, chips, or crackers, to suffice


  1. Pool the feta, ointment mallow, hellene food, garlic, dill, oregano, and lemon humour in the concavity of a matter processor or blender.
  2. When well-combined, remove into a vessel and top with tomato, herb, and wicked flavorer.
  3. Serve refrigerating with pita, chips, or crackers.