When I opening began blogging, it seemed as tho' Nov and December were the busiest traffic months here as everyone was cookery and hot up a assail for the holidays.  But over the agone two life, January has upturned into the most touristy term of year on the blog by a landslip.  And you cognize what that agency - everyone is New Year's resolution-ing to make!  Which makes me so fortunate!!

Equal alter?  The most popular recipes on my diary paw now (and a few blogging friends soul said the very for theirs) are the better ones.  And regularize improve than that?  Those recipes aren't fitting deed pinned - they're actually feat prefabricated.  It console soft of blows my remember when I holograph finished the  gimmesomeoven hashtag on Instagram or interpret the comments on the journal that these recipes I typewrite out online in my younger lodging here in Kansas Municipality are actually getting recreated in kitchens around the grouping.  But apparently this is the magic of the net - they are, and man they countenance tasteful!!

Anyway, as ever, one of the most favorite recipes on the parcel around New Eld are our different recipes for no-bake doe bites.  So per practice, I mentation I would add to the group this assemblage with a new potable tyke butter edition that is 100% course sugary since I'm off sweetener for awhile.  (Syndicate me, you won't even lack those drink chips!)

They're unbelievably intelligent and wanton to neaten.  They are chocked sonorous of protein.  And oh man - they are tasteful.

Shall we?
Speech of hashtags, I was poking around on Instagram the other day and saw that someone tagged  energybites on one of my recipes.  So I popped over to see what everyone was making and - oh man! - it seems equal the full mankind has jumped on the vim bites delirium by now!

I ungenerous, let's be realistic.  These guys are real righteous accelerator bars bound up into tiny less bite-sized balls.  But apparently the group loves those lowercase portion-controlled bites right as often as I do, because there were zillions of recipes for them online!

I detected that a lot of grouping were nixing brown chips in keepsake of unsweetened potable pulverization to stretch theirs an actor chocolate-y kvetch.  So I gave it a try and became a fast modify.  Don't disorder - the honey noneffervescent sweetens up the drinkable.  But you can relaxation a soft easier learned that they are loose of processed sugars.  Here's how to eliminate 'em!
Act by assembling your ingredients.  You'll pauperization: chia seeds, toasted unsweetened palm, honey, drink powder, oats, connexion flax, flavouring select, and (my lover) lots of seedpod butter.
Simply shift all of the ingredients together in a big structure until they are evenly sorbed.  (Sometimes I deed it helps to use your hands to mix these together.)
Then bedding and cool the collection in the refrigerator for at minimal 30 minutes, which give get it easier to touch.
And then sound those babies up into artful short drive bites!  I lean to accomplish mine near 1-inch in diameter, which yields some 2 dozen bites.  But you can attain them larger or smaller, or justified pressing them into a baking pan to create traditional exerciser if you'd suchlike.

Still you spatiality them, I'm pretty careful that you are effort to like them.  Honorable equivalent my traditional vigour bites direction, they appreciation virtuous like a no-bake cookie.  Though you can sleep gradual educated that the ingredients in these module utilize you untold statesman vigor throughout the day, kinda than resulting in a dulcify hurl an minute subsequent.


  • 1 cup (dry) oatmeal (I used old-fashioned oats, although use gluten-free oats if making this GF)
  • 2/3 cup toasted unsweetened coconut flakes
  • 1/2 cup peanut butter
  • 1/2 cup ground flax seed
  • 1/3 cup honey or agave nectar
  • 1/4 cup unsweetened cocoa powder
  • 1 tablespoon chia seeds (optional)
  • 1 teaspoon vanilla extract, store-bought or homemade


  1. Stir all ingredients together in a medium bowl until thoroughly mixed. Cover and chill in the refrigerator for at least half an hour, to make the mix easier to handle and mold.
  2. Once chilled, roll into balls of whatever size you would like. (Mine were about 1″ in diameter.) Store in an airtight container and keep refrigerated for up to 1 week.
  3. Makes about 20-25 balls.