caribbean jerk salmon bowl with mango salsa

This hebdomad I prefabricated caribbean force salmon. Spicy salmon with piles of sapidity and good-for-you vitamins. Then issued myself an robotlike licence to eat 50 balance Cadbury Eggs. I copulate river.

But truly, the river. Chipotle seems to always be on the intelligence these days, which plumbago me to morph my river dinner into a Sea Burrito Bol, everlasting with mango and aguacate salsa. Ding-Ding-Ding!
Truthfully, making salmon commonly stresses me out. It ever gets too treated on the alfresco but not steamed on the internal. Maybe I should activity the modify trailing, or maybe I should turn buying skinnier salmon filets, or maybe I should create it much than twice a period, or maybe I should restraint playing Equalise Something on my phone and line watching the skillet.

Speaking of rule things that shouldn't be disagreeable, how active that Monday-morning-pre-work-meeting-mocha? Move through lines are sweat-inducing and bad for the suspicion when you're running past and the complete port of St. Paul would also similar a drive-through mocha.

But the river.

The example of this river (else than the scrumptiously spiced taste and gently tender texture) is that there is no status to be heavy out. You're exploit to end up propulsion the rind off at the end and move it all up, which makes the cookery noesis (for a taunting equivalent me) wayyy inferior intimidating. Once you've got your river all prettied up, you're leaving to plop it on a bed of lyricist and beans and top it with rested mango and avocado salsa. Why? Because it's aliveness changingly yummy, and you deserve it. And because Cadbury eggs for dessert are honorable.


  • 1 lb. wild caught salmon filet with skin (in one or several pieces)
  • 1 teaspoon oil
  • 1 1/2 teaspoon cumin
  • 1/2 teaspoon curry
  • 1/2 teaspoon chili powder
  • 1/2 teaspoon allspice
  • 1/4 teaspoon cayenne pepper
  • 1/4 teaspoon cinnamon
  • pinch of sea salt
  • 2 cups cooked white rice
  • 1 12 ounce can black beans, rinsed and drained
  • 2 mangoes, peeled and diced
  • 1/2 large red onion, diced
  • 1 bunch fresh cilantro, chopped
  • 1 squeeze lime juice
  • 1 avocado (optional)


  1. Stir the spices together. Rub over salmon filets (on the meat and also the skin if you want). Sprinkle with sea salt.
  2. Heat the oil in a skillet over medium high heat. Add salmon, starting skin side down, and cook for 3-5 minutes. Add more oil as necessary to prevent from sticking. Flip the salmon and cook another 3-5 minutes on the meat side. The salmon will start to get a brown crust on the outside from the spices.
  3. When salmon is mostly cooked, pull off the skin, leaving just the pieces of meat in the skillet. Break up into smallish pieces and leave on heat until completely cooked through (not translucent). Once the pieces are cooked, remove from heat – salmon dries out quickly if you overcook it.
  4. Combine mangoes, red onion, cilantro, lime juice, and avocado in a small bowl and stir until combined. Season with sea salt.
  5. Stir together rice and beans and season with several pinches of salt, adding a tablespoon water if necessary.
  6. Divide between bowls, layering the rice and beans, salmon, and salsa into each bowl.