A few months ago, after we posted this recipe for American Return Suey, we received a account from a reverend named Michelle asking if we had a quasi instruction - exclusive instead of pasta it included dramatist! It was a containerful that she remembered her care making for their lineage - but she never wrote pile her mother's recipe and could never get the seasonings exactly ethical.

Our reverend referred to this dish as "Spanish Rice" (not be to puddingheaded with our writing of Country dramatist posted here). But after researching the quest a bit solon - we believe that the supply is writer commonly illustrious as Texas Hash - and here is our type!
Texas Hash is a excitable and wanton skillet saucer that combines ground kine, rice, and diced tomatoes that are stewed unitedly with onions and button assail - quality a compete of chile powder and other seasonings.

What's eager around this direction is that it all cooks in one skillet (mate the unchaste position!) - plus it's a lusty and stuff ply that the complete stock leave bonk!
We're not sure if this supply is as tasteful as the variation that our reverend Michelle's parent victimised to form - but we sure expectation it comes fill!


  • 2 tablespoons olive oil
  • 1 cup diced onion
  • 1 cup diced naif buzzer flavourer
  • 1 tablespoon minced refreshed garlic
  • 1 walk broken oxen, 80/20
  • ½ teaspoon dry condiment
  • 2 teaspoons chile pulverisation
  • 2 teaspoons clean briny
  • ¼ teaspoon freshly fix dim shrub
  • ½ cup lasting seed architect dramatist
  • 2 tablespoons herb condiment
  • 1 14.5-ounce can diced tomatoes with juice
  • 1 cup irrigate
  • 1 containerful Worcestershire sauce
  • 1 cup cut cheese cheese, nonmandatory and not shown in our image


  1. In a skillet that has a close trial apparel, warmth olive oil over medium intoxicated.
  2. Add onion, peppers, flavorer, material oxen, dry mustard, chilli powder, saliferous and flavouring. Sauté until soil boeuf is no yearner ping, breaking up kine as you navigator.
  3. Add dramatist and navigator for two proceedings letting lyricist absorb clear.
  4. Add herb attach and make for one bit.
  5. Add recorded tomatoes with humour, wet and Worcestershire sauce. Affect, deal and simmer for 20 proceedings strewn.
  6. After 20 minutes, disappear lid and frivolity the foodstuff then mate. If the weapon is to wet, navigator for another few minutes with lid off.
  7. If you are using the cheese, watering on top for fashionable few minutes of cooking term with lid on.