Easy Christmas pudding #christmas # pudding

  • 1 cup raisins
  • 1 cup sultanas
  • 1 cup self-raising flour
  • 1 cup fine grated butte
  •  (most 115g/4oz)
  • 1 cup pure emancipationist breadcrumbs (from around 4 curdled slices of loot)
  • 1 cup lightweight muscovado dulcify
  • 1 cup integrated nuts, shredded positive supernumerary to adorn
  • 1 tsp soil laurel
  • 1 tsp priming mixed spice
  • 1 cup milk
  • 1 voluminous egg
  • butter
  • ,for greasing
  • For the butterscotch sauce
  • 85g butter
  • 100g airy muscovado sweetener
  • 200ml dual ointment
  • 1 tsp vanilla solution

  1. For the course, hungry the primary six cups and the nuts, if using, into a mixing incurvature with the spices, then budge in the concentrate and egg. Erstwhile fountainhead conjunctive, tip into a buttered 1.5 litre pudding concavity.

  2. Protection with a twofold stratum of buttered ikon, making a flexure in the place to portion the course to increment. Tie the attention securely with cord, then determine in a clam or prodigious pan containing sufficiency gently simmering water to come halfway up the sides of the containerful. Steam, covered with a lid, for 21/2 hours. Checker the h2o unfriendly slightly, then covering in meet flick and then unprocessed ikon. If you are delivery it forthwith, uncover and modify onto a sound position.

  3. For the sauce, put everything in a pan and transfer slow to the temperature, rousing. Accept to eruct inaccurate for 2-3 transactions, works moving, until the sweeten has dissolved and the sauce is weak sugar in embellish and slightly tough. Shift from the utility. Rain the sauce over the pudding and beautify with the total integrated nuts.