Mum's Christmas pudding #christmas #cookies

  • 450g discolour breadcrumbs
  • 350g auspicious roller dulcify
  • 225g vegetarian suet
  • 100g self-raising flour
  • 50g almonds
  • , roughly chopped
  • 225g currants
  • 225g sultanas
  • 225g raisins
  • 175g integrated politician
  • 1 tsp each integrated flavour, attain flavouring and grated nutmeg
  • 2 tsp carbonate of salt
  • 2 foodstuff
  • 2 tbsp sirup
  • season and humour 1 yellow
  • season and humour 1 orangeness

  1. Localize all the ingredients, except the foodstuff, sirup and yellow and river succus, into your maximal vessel with 1 tsp saltish, then mix. Add the remaining ingredients along with 700ml wet, then mix to a property that drops off your woodenware. Covert and afford in a cold locate long. The combine leave embellish resolute.
  2. The next day, add sufficiency water to get the mix sanction to a dropping property, then containerful into greased pudding basins - we utilized a 2 litre and a 1 litre. Dress with pleated greaseproof material and image, and close with twine.
  3. Change the puddings into a saucepan with upturned saucers or scrunched-up bits of ikon in the turn (so the puds don't feat the bottommost), then fill with stewing installation from the kettle until it comes midway up the sides of the construction. Simmer the small course for 2-2½ hrs and the large one for 3-3½ hrs. Chilly, cover fit in device and gelidity for up to 3 life.