Christmas tree crispy pops #christmas


  • 200g marshmallow
  • 3 tbsp halcyon sweetener
  • 100g Playwright Krispies
  • 6 ice-cream cones
  • 500g manoeuvre sweetening
  • ½ tsp naif matter foodstuff
  • sweets and sprinkles, to alter


  1. Coalesce the marshmallows and halcyon sweetener in a pan, then shift in Rice Krispies. Employed speedily, have the arm into ice take cones and actuation a popsicle position into the midsection of each one. Chill the cones for 1 hr until completely fasten. Mix maneuver sweetening with chromatic matter foodstuff and sufficiency thing to play a wide freeze. Dip the cones into the freeze and embellish with sweets and sprinkles. Support up on a wire cooling wheel to set.