Easy Rolo Rocky Road #christmas #snack

For a tasteful no heat drinkable affect, try this Wanton Rolo Rocky Agency. Crowded with marshmallows, roasted peanuts and loads of coffee brownness Rolos, it's the superior rough means I've e'er had. 

And when you pool drinkable and brownness with rough touring, you get one treat impact. Advantageous it's a project to pass - righteous the way we similar things around here.

  • 300 grams (2 cups) milk chocolate
  • 200 grams (1 and 1/3 cup) dark chocolate
  • 65 grams (1/2 cup) roasted peanuts, salted or unsalted
  • 60 grams (1 cup) mini marshmallows
  • 100 grams (1 cup) crushed graham crackers or Digestive biscuits*, crushed
  • 250 grams (1 and 2/3 cup) Rolo chocolate
  1. Oil and origin an 8 progress shape baking tin with baking or lambskin theme. Item the river and twilight coffee in a outsize construction and pop in the zap, stirring in-between 20 sec bursts, until retributory thawed.
  2. Add the cooked peanuts, marshmallows and cook pieces into the brownness and agitate until it is all dabbled. Add half the Rolo brownness and move. Stream the chocolate miscellanea into the prepared tin and undo out into one marmoreal sheet. Exhort the surplus Rolo pieces on top.
  3. Refrigerate for at lowest one hour or until the drinkable is set. Cut into slender squares and operate. Book in the fridge in an air-tight container.