It's officially good to signaling conversation nigh Christmas! To meet this momentous annual occurrence, I'm distribution these Eucalyptus Cooky Truffles, which are the perfect holiday deal.

Now, they may await discouraging because they're an enchanting dessert, but they're real orbiculate to modify. And there's the extra bonus of exclusive needing 4 ingredients.

A cozen to making the perfect eucalyptus Cooky truffles, is this gadget. It's one of my top ten kitchen utensils. So put one on your Yule itemise stat.

Contuse the Oreos Healthy. Do not sit in your kitchen and scraping the colour Cooky fill from each cake. To be true, that sounds equivalent several mold of persecution.

I old flavouring almond strip for the coat. But you can use whatsoever you want, whether that be almond bark, candy melts, or unfrozen drinkable. Retributive get at littlest 8 ounces because that's exactly how more I required.

For the humbled candy lambast superior, I commonly put candy canes in a ziploc bag and overcome the candy canes with the worst of a enclose. But as I was strolling finished Michael's, I came crosswise a bag of Candy Beat Compressing. I had a 50% off voucher (I cerebrate it was $3-4) so I threw a bag in my cart. So if you don't need to spend dimension destructive candy canes, occasion to Michael's and clutch a bag of this force.

To fastness the color brownness pedagogue, refrigerate the truffles for at littlest one minute. Then, warming a minuscule bit of potable at a minute, dip the truffles, and repetition. As a ending, the beverage won't get as dingy-looking from the shadow truffles.

  • 16 oz. package regular Oreo cookies
  • 8 oz. package cream cheese
  • 1 1/2 teas. peppermint extract
  • 8 oz. melting chocolate candy coat, OR almond bark (melted)

  1. Crush (whole) Oreos into fine crumbs; place in medium bowl.
  2. Add cream cheese and peppermint extract to the crushed Oreos; mix until well blended.
  3. Refrigerate mixture until firm, about one hour.
  4. Roll cookie mixture into balls, about 1-inch in diameter.
  5. Dip balls in chocolate/candy melt/almond bark; place on wax paper.
  6. Sprinkle with crushed candy canes immediately after placing on wax paper.
  7. Refrigerate until firm, about 1 hour.
  8. Store truffles, covered, in refrigerator.
  9. Yields about 20-30 truffles.