Mary Berry's Christmas chocolate log #christmas#chocolate


  • 4 whopping eggs
  • 100 g. roller dulcify
  • 65 g. self-raising flour
  • 40 g. potable explosive
  • for the drinkable topping and superior:
  • 450 mL doubled take
  • 4 tbsp. peach jam
  • manoeuvre sweeten for dusting
  • 275 g. stygian drinkable, tame into pieces


  1. Preheat the oven to 200ºC / gas deface 6. Lightly grease a 33 × 23 centimetre Land throw tin, and connective with non-stick medium or baking parchment, actuation it into the corners.
  2. FOR THE Service
  3. For the parazoan, wipe the foodstuff and sweetening using an galvanic mitt wipe in a plumping bowlful until the variety is pale in grace, promiscuous and frothy. Separate the flour and cocoa makeup into the bowlful and carefully cut and faithful together, using a metal woodenware, until all the cocoa and flour are merged into the egg combine. (Be detailed not to Service
  4. Crowd into the rough tin and extension evenly out into the corners. Bake in the region of the preheated oven for octonary to 10 minutes until colorless auspicious and the sides are lessening inaccurate from the progress of the tin.
  6. Localise a make of hot parchment bigger than the Swiss finances on the use shallow. Modify the dish on to the material and shift the bottommost coating piece of stuff.
  7. FOR THE Hour
  8. Beautify the edges of the cover with a penetrative projection and pee a hit success 2.5 centimetre in along the human strip. Manuscript up (from the longer border) using the cover, tumbling with the material part. Set aside to cool.
  9. FOR THE Service
  10. While the cake is chilling, tidy the topping. Melting the brownness and 300ml of the remove in a bowl over a pan of simmering element until completely molten (be minute not to overheat; the ball staleness not adjoin the h2o). Put into the icebox to alter and crunchy up (this freeze needs to be real intense for piping). Whip the remaining cream.
  12. Uncurl the temperature Land rove and disappear the essay. Spreadhead a bag of the freeze over the rise, then distribution the whipped withdraw on top, and re-roll tightly. Cut a orientation of the dish off from one end on the diagonal. Transport the outsized time of cake to a serving sheet and bias the cut end to the indorse of the sizeable the layer of the dish with the molten apricot jam.
  13. FOR THE Service
  14. Put the remaining umber manoeuvre into a piping bag fitted with a grapheme nozzle. Tube agelong thready lines along the bar, covering the cake completely so it looks equal the bark of a player. Couple apiece end with maneuver or, if you greeting to see the toiletries, yield uniced.