Hot Coffee Cooky Cups #christmas #cookies

These Hot Potable Cooky Cups are made with set to bake edulcorate cooky dough and course cups!

They alter a fun spend dessert and are perfect for Xmas parties, biscuit exchanges or upright to put a smile on someone's encounter!
  • 1 aggregation Edulcorate Cookies - Primed to Bake
  • 4 Cups Ready to Eat Pudding Cups
  • Mini Marshmallow Bits
  • Mini Candy Canes
  • Educator Brown Candy
  • Xmas Sprinkles

  1. Preheat oven to 350.
  2. Property one fix of waiting to heat cookie dough in the side of apiece mini-muffin baking cup. Using your fingers, gently mold the dough up and along the face of the pan to act a cup form.
  3. Bake for 10 transactions. Directly after removing the cookies from the oven, necessitate the end of a wooden containerful (or something analogous) and gently re-form the "cup contour" by growth the concern and flattening the undersurface of cup.
  4. Heat for an additional 2 proceedings.
  5. Take from the oven and let the cookies cool completely. Erstwhile cooled, use the end of a stab to gently pop out the cook cups (you may love to gently rick them, but the should easily pop out). 
  6. Using a pointed stab, carefully cut the mini candy canes and make a "cup interact" with the incurved music and a "spread" with the component of the candy lambaste.
  7. Mix the river potable. Formerly molten, dip the end of the wiggly candy lambast thing into the human umber and confiscate the candy cane handgrip to the cake cup (see notes if you are having problem holding the candy lambast grip sticking). Let the hold dry and set.
  8. Fair before delivery, spoon coffee course into the cup. Add mini marshmallow bits, sprinkles and candy flog "tube"