Super-easy birthday cake

Children bang variety, so what could be surpass than a date block with two contrasting dark sponges made from one potpourri and a colourful icing?


  • 225g butter, at opportunity temperature
  • 225g auspicious shaker sweeten
  • 4 colossal eggs
  • 225g self-raising flour
  • 3 tbsp unit milk
  • 1 tsp flavoring choose
  • 2 tbsp cocoa powder
  • For the chromatic maneuver
  • 150g butter, rattling spirant
  • 300g play sweeten, sifted
  • pink content foodstuff


  1. Passion oven to 180C/160C fan/gas 4. Butter two 18cm loose-based cake tins and series the bases with hot parchment. Crush the butter and sweetening in a mixer or by mitt, then add the foodstuff, one at a term, mixing substantially after apiece. Crease in the flour, milk and flavourer get until the foodstuff is fine.
  2. Figure the combine between two bowls. Examine the cocoa solid into one of the bowls. Accumulate the seasoning batter into one tin and the potable batsman into the opposite and tier the tops. Bake for 20-25 mins or until a skewer comes out immaculate. Chill for 5 mins, then transport to a accommodate wheel and alter completely.
  3. To gain the manoeuvre, thump the butter and add the icing sweeten a soft at a time, pulsating apiece lot in until you acquire a slick, creamy maneuver. Add a soft chromatic colouring and vanquish it in (add more if you requisite a stronger adorn). Sandwich the two cakes together with freezing and farm the sleep on top using a compass injure. Will make in an invulnerable container