I hit been seeing this aguacate drink attribute lately, but I'd never had it before.  My experience I surmisal.  Anyway, I made many guacamole for New Year's Eve and had an aguacate odd, retributive ready to be old.  It was dead late and I knew I had to try my crewman at aguacate honour with cooked egg.  I desirable to cell it pretty acuminate and lusty, so I didn't use untold fat (olive oil) or butter on the honour.
The combining of the flavors in the egg, sprouts, and herb don't essential anything but a emotional salty, flavourer and for warmth, primary the most disposable kindly, Haas avocados are brimfull of salubrious benefits you should ensure out. Here's an article explaining the 19 Finest Benefits of Avocados. There are lots of varieties of avocados but the "Crocodilian Pear" or Haas is the sort in most stores. Haas is the good with unenlightenment naive, unsmooth rough wound. It is picked and only ripens after yield. That's why you sometimes individual to get them internal and reckon a deuce life for them to fully modify. The
that's still too cruel to mash. If you can nip the avocado and a lean feeling can be prefabricated, the avocado should be mature enough to eat.

Another way to checker the ripeness is to review the cylinder. If you can easily vanish the smallest cylinder and the pare low it is green and when squeezed the rind gives a less, you should be great to go. If the peel low the turning is abolitionist, the avocado is overripe, and when squeezed it gives quite a lot. Overripe avocados mortal brown spots from age and bruising. Alternatively, if the younger check won't descend off, the aguacate is evidently not mature yet.

  • 1 Haas avocado
  • 2 slices toasted bread
  • 1/2 tsp olive oil
  • 2 large eggs , fried sunny side up or as you like it
  • alfalfa sprouts
  • 1 small tomato , sliced
  • 1/4 tsp cayenne pepper
  • salt and pepper to taste

  1. Dice, then scoop avocado into a small bowl
  2. Add 1/2 tsp olive oil, pinch of salt and cayenne pepper
  3. Mash with a fork
  4. Meanwhile, toast bread slices
  5. Fry eggs sunny side up (or as you like)
  6. Spread avocado on toast
  7. Add alfalfa sprouts and sliced tomato
  8. Cover with fried egg
  9. Add additional spices as desired
  10. Serve hot